Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Linkblog and new feeds

I've set up a linkblog using Google Reader's sharing feature. It's actually been visible on http://eclectic-mayhem.com for a few weeks now, but those of you who read this blog in a feed reader wouldn't have noticed. For those of you who are unfamiliar with linkblogs, it's a lightweight way (one click) for me to publish things I find interesting without writing up a full blog post.

Using the links in the "Feeds" section of the right-hand column, you can subscribe to this blog, the linkblog, or a combination of the two using Google Reader or another feed reader. If you subscribe to the combined feed, you'll also automatically get any other feeds I may create in the future (like photo feeds, etc). Note that I've moved the linkblog feed (the old address ends with "/starred", the new one ends with "/linkblog") - if you've already subscribed to it under the old location, you should update your links. The new arrangement allows me some more flexibility for possible future changes.

In case you're curious about how exactly to do this, here's what I did. First, I made my starred items in Google Reader: Under the "Share" tab, check the "Shared" box next to "My starred items". There are a couple of links in the "Tell your friends" section. Copy the orange one (looks like http://www.google.com/reader/ public/atom/ user/[20-digit-number]/ state/com.google/starred)
and paste it into the search box at the top of the page. Now you can subscribe to your starred items and apply another label to it (for example, you might label your starred items "linkblog" or "me"). You can subscribe to your own blog and give it the same label to create a spliced feed containing both your blog and your starred items (this is my "me" label). You can then make that label public and put links to it on your blog (or the clip you see on the sidebar of this page).